You know you need a break when...

... your "break" turns into a big mountain of stressful experiences. The number of things that have gone wrong in the last 24 hours has GOT to be some kind of sign- and I think that sign is "don't try to mix work with vacation."

Our friends are getting married in Bethany Beach this weekend, so I decided to take a time share opportunity and spend the whole week here. I love wearing a big sweatshirt and comfy pajama pants, just sitting on the beach. And I thought it would be extra fun with Niall.

Long walks on the boardwalk, the cool crisp air, the waves crashing against the shore, and most importantly... the wonderful quiet of the off season. There was just one little teeny bit of work I would be doing- my medical billing at night after he went to bed, and of course, updating my blog (which I don't consider work).

But things just haven't been that easy...
  • There's no internet access, so I've been driving around looking for a place where I can pick up a signal and do some of it during Niall's naps.
  • It's a complete ghost town. Don't get me wrong, I like quiet- but it's hard to even find a place to eat around here! (and it's incredibly eerie)
  • It's been raining or rainy since we got here :(
  • I forgot all sources of entertainment-- there's only so much beach walking I can do without my ipod, and only so much chilling at the house I can do without movies or a book.
  • In preparing for this trip, I boiled a pot of water for Niall's bottles. But I always open the spout and let it boil a minute longer once the kettle starts squealing. Well, since I couldn't hear the squealing, I completely forgot about it and the kettle just about melted into a puddle. I'm totally shocked that the metal part even held together- it was on there for at least an hour. It was the rubber parts that didn't make it. Regardless, I'm throwing the whole thing away. 

  • Nothing really exists here. Every address (including the condo) that I've typed into my GPS won't show up. I have to find a landmark near it and just maneuver my way to the real place. PS- I have NO sense of direction.

  • And my favorite- just before bed last night, I flipped on the TV and saw a trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 with the baby getting dragged against the crib.  So I quickly changed the channel to the news and learned about a couple, 2 miles away from where we are, waking up to 2 armed men standing at the foot of their bed.  They have yet to be found.  We're all by ourselves until Matt gets here Friday, so I slept really well ;)

  • So, anyhoo... here I am at the Kool Bean Cafe (another non-existent address), trying to get a little bit of work done and probably will just cash in for the week after that.

    I don't know why I get such a guilty feeling when I don't write on my blog every day- it's like I'm letting people down, which is ridiculous. So I'm letting myself off the hook this week. We're gonna go enjoy this ghost town for all it has to offer (not much) and we'll see you next week!

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    1. Enjoy your beach ghost-town! I bet in the end it will be a great break from everything! :)

    2. Now I get why you asked if I read your blog yet today. Hooray for non-internet needing tasks!

    3. Wow, our boys so look very similar!

      I am a new follower :) I can't get over how much they look alike.

    4. Thank you so much for joining me over at Happy Homemaker-I am a new follower;)

    5. Oh no :( There has to be some bright side...right? right? What a bummer of a vacation. Stay safe and try to enjoy that forced solitude. It's not ridiculous - your readers DO miss you when you don't post. But don't feel guilty for taking a break! AND LOCK YOUR DOORS!

    6. Thanks for following...Following you back...Loving your site already..Hope you find something fun to do during your vacation


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