Mommy Confessions

I've run out of ideas.  We've only been married for 2 1/2 years and I've completely run out of ideas for Matt's birthday. 

We're both the sentimental type, so he's not just looking for the newest, coolest gadget (which would actually make things a lot easier).

We never really tell each other what we want for our birthdays; we just try to come up with something meaningful on our own.

But Matt did give me a hint this year, which really helped.  Lately, he keeps saying how nice it would be to sit by a nice, warm crackling fire.  Well, our fireplace has never been used before, so we're always afraid that it's not safe without a professional chimney sweep first.

So, I knew that's exactly what I would do-- get the chimney peeps in here and have a big, warm crackling fire roaring when he came home tonight.

Surprise! Instead, this is what he will get when he comes home tonight...

a blazing fire, brought to you by the sides of Niall's diaper boxes and Kerry's acrylic paints
The chimney sweeper took one look at the masonry inside of our 50 year old, never used chimney and informed me of the bad news: $2,500 to patch up the bricks, re-line the flues, and fix the line to the hot water heater.  So, this is my humble attempt to give Matt his roaring fire.

Cute, but not quite birthday present material.

Did I mention that his birthday is TODAY??

I'm running out of time, I know.  I do have plans to pick up dinner from one of his favorite places: Mama Lucia's.  Amazing Italian food.  Fettucine Bolognese, Pasta Carbonera, Penne Ala Vodka... my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

But that's still not really a present.

I wouldn't normally procrastinate like this, but Niall has been blowing chunks all weekend.  Serious chunks.  Tell you all about that tomorrow ;)

I also think we need to take into account here that Matt just got back from a bachelor party in Vegas, so please don't feel one bit sorry for him. 

Ok, off to Target, wish me luck!

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  1. Ker! Good luck! Also, you could buy a bunch of candles and light them in the fireplace. Really pretty to look at.

    AND, even if you got something silly and last minute, you could make him do a cute scavenger hunt to find the gifts! Write creative little clues and send me on a wild goose chase throughout the house! It's my plan for Jeremy's v-day gifts. So fun!

    Good luck!


  2. Send *him, not ME., on a wild goose chase. Doh!

  3. Hahaa! I'll send you on a wild goose chase, too, even though it's not your bday. That's how special you are ;)

  4. I like your attempt at fire... and hey, you tried. I think that is the sweetest gift of all. You can tell Matt that his gift is $2,500 - because that's how much you saved by NOT having a roaring fire. ;)

    Good luck, you'll come up with something!


  5. Hope inspiration struck at Target! And hope Niall feels better. Poor thing :(

  6. Ha! Earlier in January I wrote about my husband's crappy birthday, but that was because it was the day after he flew to LA for the Rose Bowl with his college buddies and was totally hung over. I felt bad because the day was lousy, but it was his fault. Plus he got an Ipad for his gift, which now after the fact that we have a recent unexpected $5000 cat related expense (a whole other story), leaves me thinking I shouldn't have spent so much....Hope the day turned out well! At least you tried!

  7. It was a nice thought with the fire and, they do say its the thought that counts!


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