Steppin' Out

So it's been a little while since I've posted.  Unfortunately, my excuse was not that I was away on some incredible Memorial Day beach vacation or just enjoying some much needed R&R.  It's that Blogger has been seriously messing with me lately.

I can't sign in anymore because the top of my page where the login button was has just completely disappeared.  It's hard to explain how I cheated the system today, but I somehow did and hopefully I'll be able to do it again tomorrow.

So anyway, we did step out this weekend-- just to the pool, but what better way to spend the start of the summer, right?

We signed up for swim lessons with Niall last summer; his favorite strokes are freestyle and butterfly ;), it was just enough to get him used to the water and not be afraid of it.  We would blow bubbles and kick and splash and all that fun stuff.

This year, he has no recollection of any of that.  He'll dip his feet while sitting on the ledge, but he ain't leavin that wall.  So we've got to ease into it a little, but I'm sure he'll be loving it again in a few weeks.  Otherwise, his half man/ half fish of a dad might be completely heartbroken and disown the kid.

But even though we didn't completely submerge, Niall did manage to look really good sporting an adorable a really cool little toddler surfer outfit, so there's a plus.

hat: Target
Rashguard (shirt): Target
Swim Shorts: you guessed it, Target
(they're really cute- you can't see the details, but they're blue and white stripes with a pirate on the side)

bathing suit: Target

I have a Target problem

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  1. Very cute!! I avoid target as much as possible... I'm a recovering addict :)

  2. there is no such thing as a target problem. problems indicate there is something wrong with it. if that's wrong, i don't wanna be right!

    you guys look super cute. i'm jealous of your weather!


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