Flashback Friday {Puking Pumpkin}

I tend to live by the motto "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."  Like when I go to a Thai restaurant, I know that I'm going to be happy with pad thai noodles, so I never bother to try anything else.  And when I find a good park that Niall likes, we'll just keep going back there.  So when I came across a winner of a pumpkin carving last year, why would I try anything different this year?

I tried to re-create the exact scene from last year, but naturally some little things were different.  A) I'm pregnant and didn't put nearly as much effort into the details of the pumpkin face, B) I have a very impatient almost-2-year-old so I didn't put nearly as much effort into the details of the pumpkin face, and C) I have a very impatient almost-2-year-old who had no intentions of standing behind the screen door when he could be up close and personal with the puking pumpkin.

Either way, I think I'll call it another success.  Niall even attempted a puking face for me when I showed him what I meant...

Not quite what I was looking for-- more like a constipated Santa face, but a very noble attempt ;)

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