Breakfast with Santa

Niall has surprised me a lot in the last few weeks with the things he knows.  He's repeating pretty much anything we say (which could be a really bad thing), he somehow knew how old he was on his birthday, and he now fully understands the concept of receiving toys/presents for certain occasions (which is also a scary thing).

So I really wanted to pound in the idea of Santa this year to fully enjoy all of the festivities that he didn't quite "get" last year.  I've been telling him that Santa brings presents once every year and that he rides in a sleigh with reindeer and climbs down the chimney.  Gradually, he started to grasp it-- he would start pointing out Santa on TV, posters/ pictures, books and sitting in his giant throne at the mall.

The point is... I've been gearing him up for breakfast with Santa.  Last year, we stood in line outside on a freezing cold day for almost an hour to get his picture taken-- for reasons he couldn't understand, so he was not thrilled about sitting on ol' Santa's lap.  I got lucky, though, because I caught a photo of pre-meltdown that coincidentally looked like he was smiling.

This year was totally different.  Niall was excited and nervous and anxious all at the same time.  He looked like he was facing final judgment when it was finally his turn to go up.  He stood there, motionless and star-struck to meet the big man in red and contemplated what he would possibly say to THE Santa (even though we practiced before hand: "TWUCKS, TWAINS!")

And when he got up there, he turned totally bashful and had to put on his pursed lip smile to keep from laughing.  No eye contact, no words, no telling Santa what he wanted this year.  He just sat on the old man's lap and enjoyed his 30 seconds with the guy he'd heard so much about.  And the pancakes and sausage weren't so bad either ;)

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  1. wow, niall looks SO grown up in these pictures. when did he turn into a boy??

  2. It's the haircut-- which is a whole other story. The lady could only get half way through it because he was so hysterical

  3. Great Santa photos! I can't believe it but we might not get any this year :(

  4. That's awesome that he went on Santa's lap and didn't freak out! I can't get Nate anywhere near him. You look adorable btw! Getting close! :)


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