I have a dream...

Every year, even before I had kids, I would have these visions of what the holidays were supposed to look like...

4th of July would always be on a boat with fireworks bursting over the bay, while holding a cold beer; Thanksgiving was hanging out in the kitchen with spiced cider, the movie Planes, Trains & Automobiles playing on repeat in the background, and everyone leaves the dishes in the sink to find a cozy place on the couch, curl up and pass out with bellies full of turkey; Christmas, of course, is holiday music blasting all day, eggnog, pine-scented candles, and a reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" where everyone sits around in a circle, listening intently.

In reality, 75% of my fantasy does not happen.  And that's ok.  My motto is "It's never too late."  So every year, I just keep trying, happily accepting my defeat as an opportunity to do better next year.

Now, Memorial Day, though its true meaning is very important, is a little too heavy for a toddler... but how about roasting s'mores over an open fire, going fishing off the pier, and picking fresh apples-- as in, a real apple tree, and then throwing the rotten ones into the field with Grandpop?

That sounds like a home run in the childhood fantasy department.  That was the plan.  I packed up those marshmallows and graham crackers in a little picnic basket and we made a special trip to the hardware store to get a crabbing pot and a big net. 

Again, 75% of it didn't happen.

But the 25% that did?  Well, it was totally worth it...

And the 75% that didn't... we did our own little generic version for good measure.

You can't really catch too many crabs without chicken necks-- but you can wear serial killer-style fisherman gloves while riding a tractor.

And so what if your kid is too hyper and over-tired to indulge in a sweet treat on either night of the holiday weekend?  You can eat s'mores by yourself at 10pm Monday night, hovering over your stove when everyone is finally (for the love of God) sound asleep.

And despite Matt's trip to the ER for a waterskiing accident that resulted in a slipped disk in his back, I'm going to call this holiday weekend a total success.  Because what would a family vacay be without a little-- or a lot-- of chaos?  Chaos is part of the fantasy.  A very important part of making the fantasy come to life.

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  1. lol thinking about you at the stove eating the smores cracked me up.


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