Life is Good

It's a good feeling to be (somewhat) on top of everything; that wave of relief as the to-do list dwindles down, knowing that the car is not going to spontaneously explode because it is FINALLY fixed, getting that one extra hour of shut-eye each night.  I am happy to say that I have experienced all of these wonderful feelings because things have really been going our way lately.

...which probably means there's nowhere to go but down from here, but I will bask in blissful ignorance for now :)

First, I have to commend the boys for getting along so well.  Brendan laughs at anything Niall does and Niall gets just as much enjoyment from feeling like such an entertainer.  I can actually put Brendan on the family room floor and slip into the kitchen to do some dishes, knowing that the boys are having fun together (98% of the time). 

Niall was even feeling extra generous and gave Brendan a taste of that coveted gold medal he earned last week.

Then, this little guy let me sleep for 7 1/2 solid hours.  8:30-6! (Of course, I didn't take full advantage of the potential 9 1/2 hours because I had to stay up looking at fabric toy bins on the internet.)

He also got hugs and cuddles from total cougar babe on 4th of July:

But enough about Brendan.  I have been making out pretty well myself.  I got to make a long overdue pit stop last week while I was running some errands...  a very important, very necessary pit stop.

The good vibes continued this past weekend, when Matt took Niall to the bay for a boys' weekend, so it was just me and baby B.  Which meant totally quiet house to myself by around 8pm.  What does a girl do with the first quiet evening to herself since before she can remember?

I'll tell you.  Here's the recipe for the perfect night of me-time:

Step 1:
Order a pizza AND cheesy bread, which may or may not be the same thing as eating 2 pizzas.

Step 2:
Eat cookies

Step 3:
Pour yourself a glass of wine

Step 4:
Grab the basket of clean laundry you've been meaning to fold, bring it to the couch, and then sit down with your glass of wine, turn on some trash TV and ignore the basket of laundry.

Finally, the perfect weekend was topped of with a Colplay concert-- Matt's and my first date in 6 months.

Can you tell?  I had to stop a group of high school girls to ask them to take a picture of us.  Gotta document these rare occurrences.

They were so amazing live, and I caught Niall's favorite song ever ("Paradise") on video, which he has re-named "The Elephant Song" because all of the members of the group are dressed as elephants in the music video. 

But sorry, I just realized that it's illegal for me to post the footage-- and I'm no pirate ;)

The next day, my interior designer mother-in-law helped me rearrange my entire house so that we could make our guest room work as an office, as well.  I am so excited, but I'm not posting pix until the entire project is finished.  There is a basement play room in the works, too. 

So there's a whole lotta good going on around here right now, and while I'm sure I just jinxed it, I can't help but be happy.  Life is good with these goofballs!


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  1. haha, love the idea of pipey as a "total cougar babe." she kinda is ;)

  2. I love Coldplay! It is a goal of mine to see them live sometime. And all 3 of my kids love the song Paradise too :)


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