A Stay at the Bay

At the end of every summer, I always wish that I had taken more time to go down and enjoy my in-laws' bay house. It's only about an hour and a half away and it's right on the water-- the St. Clements Bay in Southern Maryland.

We usually go 1 or 2 weekends each month, but it never occurred to me until last month to actually stay down there with the boys for a whole week. 

So we did. Well, it was 5 days, but still a great little "stay-cation".

Even on a cloudy day, it's worth waking up to see the sunrise here.  But when you can see that big orange glow coming up over the water, it makes it that much better.

You know what else is great about the bay?

When the boys are totally exhausted from doing this all morning...


So then I can lay on a lawn chair and do this while they nap...

Who wouldn't want to take a nap on a nice breezy porch with the sound of trees in the wind, birds chirping and gentle waves lapping up on the shore?

Every day, we lucked out with weather and hung out in the pool before making our way down to the dock for Niall's favorite activity:

"Creepy Crawler Catching"


It was a little tricky figuring out how to take 2 kids who can't swim into the pool without any help, but it turns out that a life jacket for Niall was all the help I needed.  He looked like a little egg beater, kicking his legs non-stop and spinning around in circles.

Obviously, if I had tried to take a picture of any pool activities, somebody would have drowned-- but here is an aftershot.

Brendan liked the pool, but he preferred to lay out and work on his non-existent tan.  (I guess the hat and full body suit didn't help with that.)

Niall kept telling me about these "bugs" that I had to look at, but I was too busy/distracted to pay attention.  When I finally walked over to the hole in this horse thing he was pointing at, I found about 2,000 wasps had built a little nest in there.  How sweet.

You're not getting out of this place without some good bug/critter stories, so I have one to top that.  When we first pulled up, I saw this Amazon jungle spider on the front porch that was seriously almost the size of my hand.  We took a pic of Niall looking at it and went about our business... 

The next day, I changed Brendan's diaper and put him on the floor after so I could wash my hands.  When I came back, that same spider was about 6 inches from Brendan's sweet little head and baby boy was ready to crawl over and play with it.  I could have died right then and there, but instead I made some crazed lunatic grunting noise and smashed that sucker with my shoe.

Finding this bug on Grandpop's sneakers just about made Niall's week.

And it wouldn't be a summer day at the bay without a root beer float.  Well, that's what I decided to use as my excuse-- I mean, it wouldn't be fair to Niall ;)

Bye, bye bayhouse.  Until next time...

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  1. That was WONDERFUL. Sign me up for next month, the month after that one, and all next summer please.


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