I Want a Treehouse!

I'm slowly starting to remember why it is so much cooler to be a kid than an adult. Seriously, I have more fun doing half of these things than Niall does- and I really wish it was socially acceptable to do them with my friends. Why can't we still build forts, play in tree houses, and throw mud?

Niall and his friend Jack went to the kid's garden in Brookside Gardens last week. (I make it sound like they hopped on their bikes and went alone or something). They had a treehouse, a keebler elf style gnome tree, and an area where kids could dig and plant their own flowers.

The treehouse was so cool. I would honestly live in a treehouse if I could get a good cable connection, hook up a toilet and refrigerator, and run gas and electric through there ;)

I can't wait until we have a house with an awesome back yard. I'm really going to put Matt's manliness to the test. I'll whip out this pic and ask him, "Can't you build Niall a treehouse like the one he used to go to in Brookside Gardens??" It's not that hard, right?

 (It's hard to tell, but this is actually up about 10 feet in the air)

Unfortunately, Niall and Jack are both a little too young to understand, nevermind appreciate, the concept of a treehouse and/or a kid's garden. They both thoroughly enjoyed shoving dirt and acorns in their mouths, though.

We just couldn't possibly prevent the amount of soil consuming that went on that day. We would try to finger sweep it out of there, but they were already swallowing it by the time we got in there.

Jack looked like he ate a fistful of oreos. He was flashing a huge smile and there was brown sludge smeared all across his face. I just don't see how dirt can taste good, but they certainly thought so.

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  1. Looks fun, but as the wind is howling around outside my window, I wonder if you would also need motion sickness pills for such days? Reminds me of Pooh's friend Owl on that Blustery Day!

  2. We had the greatest tree house as kids - what wonderful memories! Signed up to follow your blog from the Midweek Mingle! It is great! I hope to see you on Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  3. Thanks for the follow, I am following you now. I love what you wrote in your "me in a nut shell" I told my husband a few months ago that we have kids so we can get away with acting like kids, I made him take us to Disneyland when our daughter was 9 months old because she would love it. ;)

  4. hey if you don't have friends that you can play in treehouses with, build forts, & throw mud at, maybe you just need to get some new friends! haha, just kidding. i hear ya... oooh, to be a kid again.

  5. Thanks for following Mommy Time Out!

  6. I so totally wanted a treehouse as a kid!! That treehouse looks awesome!

  7. You've made me want a treehouse now! :-)

  8. Sounds like a great time! I always wanted a treehouse as a kid and hope that one day we can make Avery one. They are so cool! The one that you all played in looks like a great one! So cute too!
    Babies eating dirt, always fun. And I swear, me trying to stop it only turns it into a game!


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