Who, me?

I always see people winning blog awards and I have no idea where they come from or how you get them. I just assumed that I wouldn't have to worry about it, because an award would not be coming my way any time soon.

But to my surprise and delight, Jamarah Crafty Creations was nice enough to send the "One Lovely Blog Award" my way. I'm really honored!

So now, I get to send it to some great bloggers that I've come across over the last few months.  I'm really happy to be able to give this to some truly award-worthy blogs that I love reading every day.

These blogs are what I would call "unsung heroes."  They don't have 500+ followers, but they certainly deserve to.  I hope you'll go visit them all when you have a chance.

Bloggers, to accept this award, follow these steps:

1. Post the award on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.


Here are the winners:

1) Rock 'n Stroll
2) The Magnusons
3) The Mommyhood Memos
4) This Lovely Life
5) Teagan Tales
6) Chunky and Monkey
7) Momalogues
8) Mommy Boots
9) Mommy Loves Coffee
10)  My Three Bubs
11) Nater Tot
12) The Chronicles of a Housewife
13) Remember Ember
14) Somebody's Parents
15) Tales from the Crib

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  1. Thanks Kerry! You are so sweet! I love it. :)

    I'll have to visit some of these other ones too... in fact, I've only seen two of them before. Love a good blog recommendation - thanks! :)

  2. Congratulations! AND Thank you! I am honored. I'll be posting my official acceptance ASAP :) By the way, I just love these videos of Niall. The vaccuum cleaner one is just great.

  3. Thank you so much for the award! You are too sweet. I'll definetly stop by the other blogs, too!

  4. I'm blushing! Thanks Kerry! I'll be reading all these soon. (Some I already love.) Thanks!

  5. Congratulations & thank you for thinking of me! =)



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