Christmas Recap Part I

We've seen lights, we've watched movies, read books, baked cookies, written letters, trimmed trees, drank egg nog, stuffed stockings, lit fires... a little too much to squeeze into one post.  So let's cut to the chase and talk about the big day.

We worked really hard on Niall's letter to Santa- to make sure that he conveniently/ coincidentally asked for all of the things I had already bought for him around Thanksgiving.

Then, we put out the cookies and milk and woke up to see that Santa had gobbled them up! (AKA the pregnant lady in the red pajamas-- they look very similar).

Then came the best part-- the part where Niall actually learned a lesson from the ridiculous amount of hours of Christmas TV/ movies I've been letting him watch over the past 2 weeks.  I can't help it- Christmas time seems like it should be an exception to the rotting brain rule; holiday spirit just can't be overstimulating enough in my eyes. 

Anyway, Niall was absolutely obsessed with the Grinch who stole Christmas, which also happens to be my favorite.  And I think he learned from Cindy Loo Hoo that giving is much better than getting, because he spent a good 15 minutes handing out everyone else's presents before opening a single one of his.  He was so proud to go up to the tree and find out whose presents were whose and march up to that person, holding their special gift.

But then, of course, he got busy and wrapped up in opening some of his own...

Remember those power tools I was so excited to give him?  The weed whacker, power drill and tool kit?  Yea, didn't go over so well.  He was seriously petrified of all of them except the tool kit.  When I tried to show him how they worked, he would slap them out of my hand and kick them to the other side of the room, like he couldn't get far enough away from them.  Go figure. 

Anyway, this was my favorite present:

If you don't own this book, you need to.  It's written like a children's book, but is obviously for parents.  I was just about crying from laughing so hard when I read it.  My favorite verses:

The eagles who soar through the sky are at rest
And the creatures who crawl, run and creep.
I know you're not thirsty, that's bulls**t. Stop Lying.
Lie the f**k down, my darling, and sleep.

The giant pangolins of Madagascar are snoozing
As I lie here and openly weep.
Sure, fine, whatever, I'll bring you some milk.
Who the f**k cares?  You're not gonna sleep.

And it was so fitting since Niall refused to sleep for the last 4 nights.  It just makes you feel a little better to know that other people are drowning in their misery at 3 am, too :)

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

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  1. With a new baby on the way, and one still trying to be convinced that bed is NOT a torture chamber, I just know that even though the F WORD is not my fave, my daughter and her hubby NEED this book. :)

  2. Haha! I love that book. Dave got it for me when I got my job (as a baby sleep consultant). It is hilarious. It sounds like you had a great Christmas. I love the pic of Niall looking at the empty plate :) Give Niall a month or two and I bet he'll be all over those tools! Isn't it funny how we can be so sure they're going to love something and be TOTALLY wrong about it. I've done it too many times to count. But the great thing is, they change and often end up (EVENTUALLY) loving those gifts. Have a very happy New Year!!


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