Baby Brendan Is Here!

Elated, exhausted, delirious, melting with joy and disappointed all at the same time... Baby Brendan is here- happy and healthy and cute as can be, but he came into this world by the dreaded c-section.  I'll give the full birth story next week, when I have a chance to sit down and do it right (after some much needed rest).

We're all safe and healthy, so I know that's all that matters.  It's just that it's going to be a long, rough recovery- especially when Niall wants me to pick him up all the time and I'm trying so hard to give him extra attention and love.

Anyway, I'll get into all that later.  For now, enjoy some photos...

name: Brendan Michael McCullough
birth date: Saturday, January 21
birth time: 6:06pm
weight: 6 lb 15 oz
length: 19 inches
family consensus: looks just like big bro, Niall :)

Niall was definitely a little skeptical at first, but now he loves his little bro...

More to come soon :)

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  1. Congratulations! He looks so sweet :). And as a mama who went through two c-sections, I know what it's like. You are right, a healthy baby is the most important thing. Good luck with your recovery and adjusting to a family of four!

  2. Congratulations! So glad he is here and you are both healthy! I'm sorry it didn't go as you had wanted- praying for a quick and smooth recovery for you!


  3. Congratulations!! He is beautiful and DOES look so much like Niall. It's amazing that you can already see it. I'm sorry that you had to have a C-section :( but so glad to hear that you both are doing well! Good luck recovering. Take care of yourself. I can imagine how hard it will be to find time to rest. HUGS!

  4. oh gosh! he's HERE!

    HI BRENDAN! *wavinghandsandblowingkisses* The world has been waiting for you!!!

    BIG congrats to you kerry! a job well done. i'm sorry you didn't get the birth that you wanted... but wow, look at that gorgeous boy. he's obviously perfect!! and yes, he does look like his big brother.

    hope you get some good rest. go easy on yourself!!!!

    looking forward to reading your story. (but don't rush it - just enjoy that squishy little newbie!!) xx

  5. Congrats!!! He is completely precious, and you are right, all that really matters is that he is here and everyone is safe and healthy! Good luck recovering.

    Daily Mom

  6. Awwww!!! Congratulations!!! He's adorable!! And he has the same birth stats as Mason, awwww!! He was also born within 14 hours of my friend who blogs at - that's so cool!

    I hope you are resting and recovering and can't wait to see more pictures!!

  7. Congratulations!! I found you on MBC on the Sarcasm Keeps Me Sane group and am now following! If you find yourself up at 2 in the morning with a wide awake newborn and need something to pass the time, I'd love if you came over to check out my blog!


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