This Kid Kills Me...

Brendan's expressions are almost too much for me to handle these days.  He just cracks me up with his big, bugged out eyes and his giant, gummy, toothless smile.  I hate to say it, but he might be even cuter than Niall was at this age-- which is saying A LOT because we didn't think it could get any cuter than the Niallator.

Niall had the very sweet, subtle charm; the tame hair with the gentle eyes and soft smile.  He stayed still so that I could have pictures that weren't blurry and could be hung on the walls...

Brendan pretty much looks the same as Niall-- except that he is a complete lunatic, a total ham, has a slew of crazy faces that he makes all the time, never stays still, and-- depending on the day-- he usually has this hilarious tuft of hair that pops up off the top of his head to match the personality...



And because of the 8,000 different faces he likes to make, I can never take just 1 picture of him.  I always find myself going through the insane batch of photos (all of the same thing) to pick my favorite 15.  I can usually narrow it down to about 20.

The only thing better than pictures of Brendan being crazy--
pictures of Brendan and Niall being crazy together...



One day, I am determined, and I will get the perfect, non-blurry shot of these two that can be hung up on the wall for all to see.  But hey, for now, I kinda like these crazy pictures better than the perfect ones anyway.  It shows their true personality, right ;)

Can't get enough of these goofballs.

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