Somewhat Snow-worthy

I've always been a kid about snow.   Even when I was working and should have been in the "I can't be bothered with snow" mindset, I would turn my pajamas inside out the night before a predicted snowfall and pray that I would wake up to a big white blanket covering everything in sight. I don't think I have EVER turned up an opportunity to play in the snow, even if there was only the tiniest amount to play with.

So you can imagine my disappointment when year after lame, snow-less year went by following "Snow-mageddon 2010". Niall hasn't been able to truly enjoy a real snow day since he was 2 months old:

Sure, there was a day or two when we were able to make a snowball and even pull a sled (never over the same spot twice because it had quickly gone back to just grass)...

...but nothing like that crazy year when he was first born.  I remember putting Niall in his car seat at the foot of our walkway stairs and jumping off the railing into the snow bank next to him.  It was such a blast and I so wish he had been old enough to enjoy it, but something tells me there will be another good snow storm in his future (when he will want to play with his friends instead of his mom).

And now he is really old enough to know what is going on, so that made this week's small snow day not too shabby after all.  Despite the fact that we were only working with a half an inch or so, we were determined to make it worth our while.  Starting with pictures, which Niall is REALLY not into these days...

As soon as he saw me pull the camera out, he quickly turned in the other direction.  But I am way too smart for shenanigans like these, so I told him there was a T-rex on top of my head and he naturally turned around to see it...

I knew this whole operation would be a bit of a challenge with two kids in the picture, but I had no idea how long and grueling of a process it would be to get this pile of snow-gear on everyone:

Just getting Brendan's gloved hand through his jacket sleeve felt like I trying to deliver a baby.  By the time we got outside, I was sweating like such a lunatic, I would have been more comfortable in a short sleeve shirt.  

Once we got out there, I had to strap Brendan into the stroller to keep him at bay while Niall and I got to the serious snow business...

He wasn't thrilled about being relegated to the sidelines, but Niall and I were busy working on this guy:

Ok, if we're being technical, this is what he looked like "to-scale":

But he IS a snowman, none-the-less.  And we were even able to save daddy a snowball before it all melted away.  Niall is pretty thoughtful like that.

This boy is going to have his mind blown when he sees a real snow day with huge sledding hills and snow angels and life size snowmen... ah, I can't wait.

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