A little hectic can be fun

It's been a fun and crazy couple of weeks, which is why I haven't been on here in so long.  It started with the decision to move, which not so conveniently coincided with already made birthday plans, which ended with a snow storm that could very well prevent potential buyers from actually getting to our house this week.  But it somehow feels like everything is just going to work itself out-- or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

The fun part is that we think we are moving to a really great neighborhood with amazing public schools and we would still be really close to our family and friends.... the stressful part is that we don't know if/when our house will sell; we don't have many options in terms of houses to move into in that particular neighborhood; and we had to get a week's worth of touch up work done to our house last week, which involved moving out temporarily. 

But during that somewhat crazy time, we had some good laughs and great memories.  On the first evening of craziness, I decided that it was a nice enough day to take the boys for a little walk around my in-laws' neighborhood (where we were staying for the week)...

And while I was on that walk, I thought to myself "I deserve a beer" (which will always be true as long as I am a mom), so I decided to stop into the CVS on Connecticut Avenue WITH my double wide jogging stroller WITH my 2 kids in it to pick up a 6-pack...  and then proceeded to knock over the entire peanut M&Ms display while trying to maneuver through the aisles and simultaneously jam that 6 pack into the tiny compartment under my stroller (clearly the manufacturer should have thought about these types of issues when designing the stroller). 

Once I purchased the precious goods (along with 5 or 6 chocolate bars that were supposedly going to be potty training treats, but were really just mommy treats), I used my creative problem solving skills to get the beer into the stroller and out of the store:

For all of you moms who find yourselves in a similar situation some day, simply dis-assemble the 6 pack and throw it all in the underneath compartment.  Problem solved.

Apparently, the boys felt just as exhausted as I did after the whole ordeal, but at least I got a beer out of it :)
The next day, I ditched the to-do list and enjoyed a little time away from my overly-scheduled daily grind.  It was pretty nice to say 'yes' to playing with these guys for once.

My sweet boy even picked me a flower (weeds that have color count as flowers in my book):

 And Brendan enjoyed his first trip down the slide with big bro.

Brendan also started walking in the last 2 weeks, but promptly decided that it wasn't for him and has gone back to crawling.  He's not a fan of change, or using methods of transportation that take longer than the original way.

For my birthday, I got to have a girls night out AND a brunch/movie date with Matt, so that was a complete success.  Not to mention, Niall and my friend who was babysitting made me a surprise birthday cake while I was out (notice that Niall selected the most difficult possible piece to get to on the entire cake):

Now, I'm waiting to see if this snow will stop being muddy slush and turn into the good stuff, so we can go play in it AND hoping to find out that we got the house we wanted.  Let the waiting begin!  Fingers crossed :)
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  1. Wow! How exciting! Hope you get that house you want :)

  2. Hey, happy birthday! Your kids are adorable. Brendan's so cute. It's nice you get to spend some time playing with your kids..


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