Blogger Guilt

One of Matt's best friends got married this past weekend and we were lucky enough to find an overnight babysitter (shout-out to one amazing friend and godmother who has a lot more ambition and energy than someone watching 2 small children for 24 hours should). It was really the perfect day-- great weather, great location, everything so beautiful... and while I was sitting there trying to admire all of it and soak everything in, do you know what I couldn't stop thinking about?  How I hadn't blogged in over a month.

I was trying to figure out why it was bothering me so much-- since I am no paid blogger by any means, and I'm pretty sure my audience consists of maybe 20 of my immediate family and friends.  Really, who am I letting down by taking a break from this?  Oh, right, it must be my annoying self.  I'm not sure if it's something where I'm trying to prove to myself that I can contribute to society or just the good old Catholic guilt.  But either way, it's there.

And, to be honest, I'm kind of glad that it is.  When I used to have time to read other blogs, I would often see people writing that if the blogging thing ever became stressful or not fun anymore, they would quit in a heartbeat; that it was simply for their enjoyment.  If that were the case for me, I would have stopped years ago.  But deep down, I like the challenging parts of blogging.  I am constantly facing writer's block, constantly wishing that I had taken a better photo, or had explained the story a little differently.  But even when it's the last thing in the world that I feel like doing, I know that eventually I will figure out something to put up here that I will be grateful to look back and read one day when I can't remember any of this.

The last month, I will admit, writing was the last thing that I wanted to do.  Sometimes it was because I was going through a hard time, others it was because I was having fun and trying to really enjoy the moment. There have been a lot of times when I've ruined a great moment by running away to grab my camera and forcing my kids to try to re-do whatever it is they were doing... so now I'm trying to learn to embrace those moments, knowing that a picture inside my head is the only proof I will ever have that it happened.

But for those moments when I was a paparazzi mom (assuming that anyone is still out there reading this), here's what you missed for the last 45 days or so...

We picked apples.

We ate picnic dinners in the garden park when Matt had to work late.


 We soaked up what was left of the summer.

We hung out.

 We hid out.

We watched airplanes fly over our house (with popsicle juice dripping down our shirts).

We sat in a Tires Plus for 3 hours after our car almost blew up on the side of the road (with no source of entertainment except for this giant balloon).

...and then found out after 3 hours that they weren't able to fix the problem.

We had our only hope of a smidge of exercise stolen right out of our yard.

Ahh, we had some good memories in this stroller.  On the bright side, I joined a gym.  I justify it by telling myself that I didn't spend money on another stroller. So all's well that ends well, I guess.

But mostly, we stopped and smelled the roses (or whatever these things are).  And that is probably my favorite thing to do these days :)

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  1. Wait, so you moved to the better part of Kensington and THEN got your stroller stolen?? What gives?

    1. Haha, I apparently didn't realize that my neighborhood was so giving... some people think that my stroller may have been out a little too close to the curb on the free-for-all trash day where people come around to scope out the good household items that people are trying to get rid of... whatever thieves ;)


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