The First Day

It's been about a month now since Niall started "school" and I can't say that much has changed, aside from me having to get it together a lot earlier than I usually would.

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting-- I had a little feeling that I wouldn't be too emotional since it's only 3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours;  I also had a feeling that Niall would like it, which he does; and I knew that it would be nice to have a little alone time with Brendan (who has never experienced alone time with me the way that Niall got to).

I was also confident that a stop at the Donut Shop to remedy those first day jitters could never be a bad idea, which is exactly what we did.

What I wasn't expecting was this:

For all of the fighting, not sharing, "he knocked over my tower!!", pushing, screaming and crying about how unfairly each had been treated by the other... these 2 were like bosom buddies on that first day of school, and definitely did not want to part.  It was pretty heart-melting.

And for anyone wondering-- no, that is not a red ribbon tied around Niall's head... it's a Rafael ninja turtle mask.  Just in case you were confused ;)


This one thought that if he blended in, or at least seemed eager enough to learn, that he might be able to stay:

And he was definitely not happy when the playground was locked up on our way out.  The whole day just seemed a little unfair to him-- what gives?? ;)

But now we have gotten into the routine and Brendan kind of knows what's coming.  He likes to hop up onto the stool when we come in to wash his hands just like his big bro, and then helps Niall with his backpack when it's time to go home.   They still typically give each other a hug good-bye in the morning, or at least a little wave, and are happy to see each other again at the end of the day.

They are a team, these two.  And I'm glad to know that one day in the not so distant future, if anybody crosses one of my guys, they will have to answer to the other!

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